Experience the enchanting & mystical rhythm of Othalara

Othalara's enchanting performances and services.

Ota yhteyttä

"We do everything we can to make sure we meet your expectations and provide unforgettable moments"

Experience the enchanting of Othalara!

We offer unique drum shows that are full of energy! ‍

What makes the shows unique Our song is a channeled use of voice, and regardless of one's native language, a person can be sensitized to hear what the experience/journey we offer wants to speak to. 

It is truly a mystically enchanting experience that you need to experience for yourself!

Parties and dinners

"Elina and Julia know how to create a memorable experience that will remember."

Our drum performances bring a moment of disconnection to various dinners and parties.

Kysy jotain ainutlaatuista, saat takuulla vastauksen

Voit tilata meidät tapahtumiin ja tilaisuuksiin esiintymään tai vetämään rumpurentoutuksia.

Let's cooperate!

We perform and implement drum relaxation for both individuals and companies.

We are the face of our company and take care of our own share. We make sure that events and collaborations are successful and a success for all of us! We are smart and creative entrepreneurs and offer customized solutions for all kinds of needs and occasions. We want to create experiences and bring unforgettable moments to your important celebration.

We also have fun together in front of the camera and have also done various advertising shoots. We have received excellent feedback from working with us, because we are real dynamic forces together! Collaboration requests also for models are therefore welcome!

Unique design for every customer!

Ota yhteyttä


We worked together during the sled fair weekend and it was the first time we met, so I had no preconceived notions about your company.

You organized a nightclub for the first time, which had to be built from scratch. The way you operate made a great impression on me and my colleagues. You had done the groundwork very carefully (marketing, workforce, workstations, performers, photography, etc.) and you also took the advice of professionals with a sensitive ear, so the communication between us worked flawlessly. You also helped us in our work. The cooperation was professional and efficient from the beginning, and in the blink of an eye we built the nightclub late into the night and it was finished and on time. The things we agreed on together were also true.

In the event itself  I can warmly recommend you as a partner to every company. Dare to be your own person and you will go far and you will be heard from again.

Thanking you for your cooperation: Mari Sihvo
Bar Zoomit - Shift manager

Othalaran Julian ja Elinan kanssa työskentely oli mutkatonta ja selkeää.
He ehdottivat upean valmiin rummutuskokonaisuuden tapahtumaamme ja
toteutus oli säväyttävä, yllätyksellinen ja varmasti jäi ihmisten
mieleen ja kehoihin. Se myös vapautti tunnelman, poisti jännityksen ja
uskon, että koko tapahtuman lämmin ja rento tunnelma oli osin
alkurummutuksen ansiota. Myös yhteistyö muiden tapahtumassa olleiden
yritysten kanssa sujui luotettavan varmalla ja itsenäisellä otteella.
Sydämellinen kiitos, kun olitte tapahtumassamme mukana!

Klikkaamalla "Hyväksy" suostut evästeiden tallentamiseen laitteellesi sivuston navigoinnin parantamiseksi, sivuston käytön analysoimiseksi ja markkinointitoimintamme avustamiseksi. Lisätietoja saat tietosuojaselosteestamme..